Market uptake and business development

PAVITRA GANGA aims to establish an EU-India business platform to ensure future market uptake and business development of the demonstrated wastewater treatment and recovery technologies as well as monitoring and modelling services.

A roadmap towards a sustainable wastewater approach for the Kanpur Nagar area

Pavitra Ganga has developed a roadmap that seeks pathways towards a sustainable wastewater approach for the Kanpur Nagar area in Uttar Pradesh. The information also leads to a baseline scenario for the Jajmau sewage treatment plant, one of the two case areas of Pavitra Ganga. The overarching goal is to determine an ideal scenario with a 50 year horizon for future infrastructural investments in Kanpur Nagar. The roadmap carefully analyses the way towards a sustainable water reclamation service, incorporating the opportunities for recovering energy, materials and nutrients. The plan takes into account, as much as possible, the principles of circular economics, where the positive potential of wastewater treatment plants is the central issue.

Read the news article

Read the deliverable report: 

A road map to exploit the wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for a selected urban local body in Kanpur

Recommendations for investments in water reuse and resource recovery for the Kanpur Nagar region

Pavitra Ganga delivered a report with recommendations for appropriate investments and financing models for the Kanpur Nagar region, one of our demonstration areas. The report focuses on some of the aspects described in the Road map for the Kanpur Nagar region to exploit wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recovery.  Two of our most promising technologies were compared to a classical upgrade for the existing standard sewage treatment Plant in Kanpur: the ANDICOS (Anaerobic Digestion by Combining Organic Waste and Sewage) approach and the Self Forming Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor (SFD-MBR).

Read the news article.

Read the deliverable report*:

Investment and financing programme to exploit the wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for a selected urban local body in Kanpur


* The deliverable report is still under review and has not yet been approved by the European Commission. The final approved version will be uploaded as soon as possible.

Commercial opportunities to exploit wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recovery at Jajmau STP, Kanpur

Pavitra Ganga investigated the upscaling of our solutions for wastewater treatment and resource recovery for the Jajmau STP at Kanpur and found that co-pelletization of the wastewater treatment secondary sludge is a promising opportunity at Jajmau.


Investment opportunities

Although the environmental and governance situation in India presents challenges such as water scarcity, pollution, climate change impacts, and complex water governance structures opportunities for businesses exist, with funding available from various sources including municipal bonds, grants, and loans from development banks. The India Europe Water Partnership offers avenues for accessing financial resources to implement water management measures, crucial for scaling up initiatives like Pavitra Ganga.

The implementation of the proposed roadmap is divided into three stages:

  1. Compliance with Present Effluent Standards: Upgrading existing aeration equipment to meet current standards.
  2. Resource Recovery: Implementing sludge digestion, dewatering, and solar sludge drying to recover resources such as biogas and dried sludge for energy production.
  3. Compliance with Future Effluent Standards and Reuse: Upgrading to meet future standards and increasing effluent reuse possibilities.

Based on Deliverable report 'Investment and financing programme to exploit the wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for a selected urban local body in Kanpur'* and financial analysis we found that sludge digestion with mechanical dewatering and drying is found to be financially viable. This stage generates income through electricity and energy production. Additionally, income from stage 1, the aeration system upgrade, combined with stage 2, is sufficient to implement stage 3, even without considering the benefits of producing higher-standard water.

* The deliverable report is still under review and has not yet been approved by the European Commission. The final approved version will be uploaded as soon as possible.



We discussed the opportunities for the exploitation of co-pelletization using wastewater treatment secondary sludge in India. Despite efforts to expand sewage treatment capacity, challenges remain in sewage sludge management, including its complex composition, pathogens, heavy metal accumulation, and high moisture content. To address these challenges, co-pelletization with biomass materials is an energy-efficient solution. We reviewed technological aspects of co-pelletization, including sewage sludge composition, pre-treatment technologies such as dewatering and drying, and the pelletization process. We also discussed the technical and research challenges, such as varying sludge characteristics, moisture content, ash content, odor control, and nitrogen loss. The implementation challenges in India include market opportunities, sludge as a resource for a circular economy, and the potential for sludge incineration for energy and phosphorus recovery. We concluded that co-pelletization presents a promising opportunity for sustainable waste management and renewable energy production in India.


Read the deliverable report Commercial opportunities for EU- India partnerships to exploit wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities in India *

*The deliverable report is still under review and have not been approved yet by the European Commission.


A roadmap to exploit the wastewater treatment
D7.2 Cover
D7.2 Investments and financing programme Kanpur roadmap
D7.3 Cover
D7.3 Commercial opportunities to exploit wastewater treatment an RRR