Capacity building for water professionals and stakeholders

Pavitra Ganga organised six workshops, in joint cooperation with the relevant WPs of the project and other on-going initiatives in India. The main aim was to train the stakeholders in India and to share information, tools, techniques, and technologies developed in the project through workshop and developing open course materials based on the workshop to make them available for the wider audience.
Key lessons from the workshops were that integrated wastewater management is key to sustainable development for which proper wastewater treatment aiming at resource recovery and water reuse is an essential element. In addition, policy and guiding frameworks are needed to establish detailed guidance on wastewater and sewage sludge treatment and reuse technologies (fit-for-purpose treatment). This means that with a robust implementation framework involving the last mile connectivity of solutions will help in better upscaling and optimization.
Open Course Network
Another part of the capacity building of Pavitra Ganga was the development of open course material for an Open Course Network. The selected materials presented during the different workshops were restructured and put in the suitable form as an online learning open course material and made available to the public at PAVITRA GANGA project website. Each of these open course materials consists of collection of workshop presentations and videos, exercises for practice which can be downloaded from the project website as well as reference for the additional reading materials on the key topics covered.
Read the Deliverable Report*:
Overview and lessons learnt from open course material
* The deliverable report is still under review and has not yet been approved by the European Commission. The final approved version will be uploaded as soon as possible.