Learner's schedule: Innovative Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, reuse and resource recovery

This course is based on the workshop that took place on 27 and 28 September 2023 at IIT Delhi.

Course Coordinators / Contact Persons

Dr. Eldon R. Rene (IHE Delft): e.raj [at] un-ihe.org

Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad (IIT Delhi): zia [at] iitd.ac.in



Technology 1
Self-forming dynamic - MBR (Staffs: Alfieri Pollice and Aditya Sharma)

alfieri.pollice [at] ba.irsa.cnr.it

shaditya [at] iitk.ac.in

Technology 2
Constructed wetland plus (Staffs: Luca Ofiera and Auchitya Verma)

luca.ofiera [at] hs-bochum.de

auchitya [at] iitk.ac.in

Technology 3
Structured adsorbents (Staffs: Elena Mihaela Seftel)

elena.seftel [at] vito.be

Technology 4
Clean blocks (Staffs: Antonella Piaggio and Merle de Kreuk)

A.L.Piaggio [at] tudelft.nl

M.K.deKreuk [at] tudelft.nl

Technology 5
Andicos (Staffs: Aditya Sharma and Sofie van Ermen)

shaditya [at] iitk.ac.in

sofie.vanermen [at] vito.be

Technology 6
Aerobic MBR (Staffs: Anil Kumar Dahiya)

SRZ218427 [at] sire.iitd.ac.in

Technology 7
Photo activated sludge (Staffs: Eldon R. Rene and Ashish K. Lohar)

e.raj [at] un-ihe.org

ashishklohar [at] gmail.com

Technology 8
AQUATRACK®  (Staffs: Sudhir Chowdhury and Ulla Chowdhury)

sudhir [at] aqua-q.se

ulla [at] aqua-q.se


Keynote lectures

Keynote lecture 1: Ecotechnologies for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater
Prof. Purnendu Bose (IIT Kanpur) Presentation

pbose [at] iitk.ac.in

Keynote lecture 2: Current trends in monitoring water and wastewater quality
Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad (IIT Delhi) Presentation 

zia [at] iitd.ac.in

Keynote lecture 3: A novel approach to achieving compliance: The methodology of CETP Vatva
Mr. Deepak Davda (Executive Director & CEO, GESCSL – Vatva) Presentation

ceo [at] gescsl.com

Keynote lecture 4: Soil aquifer treatment (SAT): A managed aquifer recharge approach for wastewater treatment and reuse
Dr. Saroj K. Sharma (IHE Delft) Presentation

s.sharma [at] un-ihe.org

Keynote lecture 5: Recent innovations in the use of membranes to treat and reuse wastewater 
Ir. Sofie Van Ermen (VITO) Presentation

sofie.vanermen [at] vito.be


Opening ceremony

Welcome and opening note about the workshop 

Eldon R. Rene (IHE Delft) - OC Workshop overview

The Pavitra Ganga Project: An Overview

Dr. Anshuman (TERI) - OC Project overview


Group work: Delpur Island

To propose technological and management options to complement conventional STP approaches in India