Pavitra Ganga

An EU-India project unlocking wastewater treatment,water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India.

The Pavitra Ganga project ended at the end of January 2024 after five intense years of research and collaboration.


Our results and conclusions are grouped and presented below in six themes in line with our work packages.


Co-creation, policy support and safety planning

Monitoring and Modelling

Quality/quantity monitoring and modelling for Kanpur & New Delhi

Treatment and recovery technologies

Innovative wastewater treatment and resource recovery technologies


Validation of technologies at the pilot sites

Education and training

Capacity building for water professionals and stakeholders

Market uptake and business development

Market opportunities for sustainable wastewater treatment in India


Pavitra Ganga concludes with lively Final Conference in New Delhi


Pavitra Ganga well represented at the IWA Water Reclamation and Reuse Conference in Chennai

Highly appreciated workshop on wastewater safety planning at the IWA Conference in Chennai

Wastewater safety planning surveys in the villages receiving treated wastewater for irrigation in Kanpur

5th India-EU Water Forum on Water Cooperation visits our demonstration site in New Delhi

New insights for the water system in Kanpur and New Delhi


Interview with M.Dinesh Kumar (IRAP) about the develoment of regional water quantity and water quality modelling scenarios for impact

A road map to exploit the wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recovery opportunities for the Kanpur Nagar region

Photoactivated sludge reactor running at demonstration site Barapullah

Inauguration of the Kanpur demonstration site by Smt. Neha Jain (IAS)

“The rejuvenation of river Ganga requires a holistic approach”


Interview with Shri D.P. Mathuria, Executive Director (Technical) at the National Mission for Clean Ganga

Pavitra Ganga's Progress Report (April 2022)

New scientific article about the perceived drivers and barriers in the governance of wastewater treatment and reuse

Pavitra Ganga’s innovation site at Kanpur is ready to receive pilots

Demonstration Site New Delhi

The Barrapullah drain

The 1.25 million Liters of wastewater that passes daily through the Barapullah drain systems make it an ideal demonstration site for the technologies that Pavitra Ganga will test.


Demonstration Site Kanpur

The Jajmau Sewage Treatment Plant

The three different treatment plants at Jajmau (Kanpur) are underperforming and cause different kinds of environmental pollution. This demonstration site offers thus the opportunity to test decentralised treatment solutions for secondary and advanced treatment in specific real-life conditions and to detect and remediate problems as a result of upscaling.

Jajmau STP

Pavitra Ganga and the EU-India Water Projects