Course: Innovative Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, reuse and resource recovery

A course on the innovative technologies developed and piloted by Pavitra Ganga.

Course Coordinators/Contact Persons    

Dr. Eldon R. Rene, IHE Delft

Prof. Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad, IIT Delhi


The learning objectives of this workshop

On completion of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • apply professional knowledge to practically applicable innovative wastewater treatment and resource recovery technologies; 
  • demonstrate analytical skills on the different physical, chemical and biological wastewater quality monitoring techniques; 
  • identify options for water reuse and resource recovery from wastewater and analyse different case studies from India and Europe;
  • develop and propose an integrated river water clean-up technology that suits the local field conditions.

Target Groups and Skill Levels

Water specialists with a minimum of two years of work experience in the industry/academic and a BSc degree. This could encompass professionals employed in wastewater treatment facilities, river basins, research organizations focused on identifying the practical applications of wastewater treatment technologies, environmental and water engineering consultancies, government agencies, and NGOs.


Suggested Learning Activities

  • Reading the PowerPoints and analysing the results presented
  • Reading the reference materials in the PowerPoints

Online Course Duration

Ca. 14 × 30 min

Estimated Workload/Study load

Ca. 7 hours

(Total time required to cover all the suggested learning activities)